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- /* RemDupl 1.2 - 27-Jun-97
- **
- ** This version checks the message text instead of the headers!
- **
- ** NOTE: You *MUST* set Configuration/Folder 'Delete messages on exit'
- ** on or the script might delete wrong messages! That also lets
- ** you to undelete messages if something goes wrong.
- */
- options results
- call addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0)
- limit=25 /* If the difference in file sizes is less than limit, the message */
- /* contents are checked */
- address 'YAM'
- 'MailUpdate'
- 'GetFolderInfo Max'
- num=result
- do m=0 to num-1
- 'SetMail' m
- 'GetMailInfo File'
- file.m=result
- info=statef(result)
- parse var info type bytes .
- size.m=bytes
- msg.m=m
- end /* do m */
- size.num=9999999
- call Sort(0,num-1)
- dc=0
- do m=0 to num-2
- i=m+1
- 'SetMail' msg.m
- NotDeleted=1
- do while size.i-size.m<limit & NotDeleted & i<num
- if are_same(i,m) then do
- 'MailDelete'
- NotDeleted=0
- end
- i=i+1
- end
- end
- exit
- are_same: procedure expose file.
- parse arg i,j
- if open(1,file.i,'r') & open(2,file.j,'r') then do
- call SkipHeaders(1)
- call SkipHeaders(2)
- res=1
- do while res & ~eof(1) & ~eof(2)
- res=(readln(1)=readln(2))
- end
- end
- else
- res=0
- call close(1)
- call close(2)
- return res
- SkipHeaders: procedure
- parse arg f
- do until r='' | eof(f)
- r=readln(f)
- end
- return
- Sort: procedure expose size. file. msg.
- parse arg p,r
- if p<r then do
- q=Partition(p,r)
- Call Sort(p,q)
- Call Sort(q+1,r)
- end
- return
- Partition: procedure expose size. file. msg.
- parse arg p,r
- x=size.p
- i=p-1
- j=r+1
- do while 1
- do until size.j<=x
- j=j-1
- end
- do until size.i>=x
- i=i+1
- end
- if i<j then do
- t=size.j
- size.j=size.i
- size.i=t
- t=file.j
- file.j=file.i
- file.i=t
- t=msg.j
- msg.j=msg.i
- msg.i=t
- end
- else
- return j
- end